Amauga Glossary: Locations

Kyklos Galaxy

Also called the Milky Way.


Terraformed resort planet in the Nael System in the Kyklos Galaxy.


Sol-Ⅲ, also known as Terra or Earth, is the third planet of the Sol System.


Tamagon Galaxy

Also called the M33, or the Triangulum Galaxy.


The third planet in the Amauga System in the Tamagon Galaxy. Aside from it being able to support life, not much is known about this planet. The planet's fauna consists of purple plants.


Dewick <-> Aura's Equinox Temple: ~15km
Dewick <-> Urach: ~18km
Urach <-> Statinal: ~50km
Dewick <-> Statinal: ~60km\


1 round/small copper = 1 Credit
1 long/big copper = 12 Credits
1 round/small brass = 96 Credits = 1 Gil
1 long/big brass = 768 Credits = 8 Gil
1 titanium = 9984 Credits = 104 Gil = 1 Bell

Aura's Wind Equinox Temple

Dewick Village

Urach Town

  • City Council wants to the town to be called Aurach
  • Citizens oppose the renaming.

Statinal City

Statinal Castle

Colourful Threads

Ruby Mint

Archmono Galaxy

Also called the M31, or the Andromeda Galaxy.

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