Originally posted on 2021-07-08, updated with new information. So when introducing people Riichi Mahjong, the most common questions I get are: “Where do I get a set?” “How much is a set?” While the general advice is not go for the cheapest you can find, I do understand new players…
I used to make Vocal Covers and Mixes. Vocal Covers, I've recently started doing again. Some videos might be blocked tough. Checkout my YouTube Channel: youtube.com/@RPGRekiMusic .
It's time for another Light Doman Open! This is the ninth Doman Mahjong Tournament on Light, feel free to make an alt character on Light, or Chaos, to join. And since I need some image I can connect to this tournament, I dug out some bad pun: 来冬 の 麻雀, raitou no…
MahjongSoul is still around and it's big. In 2019, just like everyone else, I jumped on the hype. At first, it looked nice. Then, I started to dislike it. With each little thing, I liked it less. In 2021, I was still around, since everyone else is still on it… Just like with Facebook…
TLDR: No, we didn't. Someone just tried to scam us. So today I opened my mail client to see a mail with the subject “Your Site Has Been Compromised”. I'm subscribed to haveibeenpwned.com, so I thought, what service got hacked this time? Opening the mail, my client asked for sending a read…
This post was originally published in 2021 and was refreshed and updated with current information. I don't usually speak or write much about my faith. This post contains a lot of views people might disagree with, but these views I have are the result of me having actually engaged with my…
Well, I'm in my early 30s and I suddenly got that urge to get me some stuff couldn't have when I was younger. So I did some research into what ever happened with magnetic-optical-technology, especially the Sony MiniDisc.
It's time for another Light Doman Open! This is the eight Doman Mahjong Tournament on Light, feel free to make an alt character on Light, or Chaos, to join. This will be the first tournament after Final Fantasy XIV adds Data Centre Travel, let's see how well it works for us. And since…
You might have noticed I pushed out Amauga onto some platforms, and then removed it from some platforms again. I think details about the platforms should be interesting enough for a blog post. Why would I cross-post? People have their favourite platform, so they can read wherever they like. I should not take too…
For some reason, some memories of my time at school surfaced. While most people tend to look fondly to their time at school, I don't. Sure, there have been fun times, but for the most part, it wasn't. What could have been so bad? Bullying, yes, this post is about bullying.
Another Look At PokéMMO and State of the PokéMon Franchise
published on 2021-11-22
In 2015, I had already taken a look at PokéMMO: while it was always full it was still very incomplete. There was no NPC collision, but if you had a ROM of PokéMon HeartGold or SoulSilver in addition to the required PokéMon FireRed US 1.0, you could have a PokéMon following…
A new year, a new tournament! This time, it's on the weekend of the Lunar New Year! This is the seventh Doman Mahjong Tournament on Light, feel free to make an alt to join. As before, this tournament is a player event: it is not affiliated with FFXIV etc.
People seem to be confused by the software I use — it seems so random. I have made both good and bad experiences with both closed source and open source software. To me, practicability is the most important thing to when using software. So I stick with whatever works best for me.
It's rather strange, since leaving uni, people tend to ask me if I'm vegetarian or vegan, just because I happen to pick up some vegan products while grocery shopping, especially when it's tofu. I fill my tofu with minced meat, so no, I'm not. To me, vegan sweets and the like are…
As you might have noticed, this page has moved to a new domain: reki.wtf. RIP search engine rankings. Why did I move? Actually, I had a lot of reasons… The Past Let's start with the old domain: 0xreki.de. It was just based on the handle I commonly use: 0xReki. It's a strange handle, I know.…
So I've recently switched from Windows 10 to Arch Linux as my main OS. It's perfect for me, but I'm also a techie: I can customize my setup however I like. WINE and Proton development got quite far recently, so I can still play my games. If they need some fixes, I can…
These days, there's a lot of English language options for Riichi Mahjong. But one thing that's always seems different is how the yaku are translated. It can lead to confusion when switching clients. To help with that, here is a list of terms used in EMA, WRC, SEGA NET MJ, Nintendo Clubhouse Games,…
It's time for another Light Doman Open! This is the sixth Doman Mahjong Tournament on Light, feel free to make an alt character on Light, or Chaos, to join. This will be the first tournament after Final Fantasy XIV adds Data Centre Travel, let's see how well it works for us. And since…
This is just what I currently use; I tend to replace tools with other tools if they provide me with better user experience. If you have suggestions, feel free to reach out. I used to write most of the stuff in Google Docs. I only did that, so I could use my…
A Look At Doman Mahjong in Final Fantasy XIV: Online
published on 2021-06-10
Since January 2019, Doman Mahjong is a one of the Games you can play in the Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy XIV. That's more than 2 years now! From what I have seen, at least is the West, it had a very rocky path to being an accepted addition to the game. …
I merged my two pages into one. If everything went as I expected, nothing should notably change. If you notice something amiss, please send me a message.
How did you get here?
published on 2021-02-03
While you're here, would you tell me how you found this page?
Scribble Hub
Unique Mahjong Sets: Art or Gentrification?
published on 2021-01-06
TLDR: Mahjong Sets with non-standard look are nothing new. Unique sets go “simple” branding to completely changing the look and/or rules. The most lazy change is just putting some branding onto the back of the tiles. But to me, those are also the most boring ones — changes in the tile faces…
Metal Ox Doman Mahjong Tournament on Light — 2021 New Year's Tournament
published on 2021-01-01
A new year, a new tournament! This time, it's on the weekend of the Lunar New Year! This is the fifth Doman Mahjong Tournament on Light, feel free to make an alt to join. As before, this tournament is a player event: it is not affiliated with FFXIV etc.
Hey RPGReki here! Don't worry, I'm still around. I hope you are doing fine, too. I had some technical difficulties: I got a new old laptop and the hard drive I used failed. Usually, I have everything in a private git repository. My site automatically gets rebuilt every time I push a change. So…
Coders use monospaced fonts. That's just how things are. It makes it easier to align code. But not all monospaced fonts are equally well suited for coding. So what makes them different? Why should I choose one font over the other? Let's have a look! Font Features Let's call it features: what do I need from…
I've restructured the site. Redirects should be pointing to the correct pages. If not, send me a message.
A Look At ProWritingAid
published on 2020-10-12
No, this isn't a mahjong client. It's not old software, either. But I do have a third hobby, aside from Riichi Mahjong and Final Fantasy XIV. And it's Creative Writing. If you haven't seen it yet, I write a Web Novel called Crystal Down. While I do have volunteers and commenters that help me with…
I have written about old software before. I have written about Mahjong before. But I haven't done both at the same time! Let's talk about “Shanghai: Dynasty”.
It was time for another Light Doman Open! This was the fourth Doman Mahjong Tournament on Light, with 31 participants from 14 countries. As always, this was a player event: it is not affiliated with FFXIV etc.
The Final Fantasy XIV Companion App has been released for almost two years now. How is my experience with the App until now? Why do I still use it? Is it even worth the time? I mean, it's been released two years ago.
A Look At Riichi Mahjong in Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics
published on 2020-06-05
When “Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics” was announced, I was hyped to hear Riichi Mahjong would be included among the games. “I hope this is going to be good,” is what came to my mind. Why? Lots of people will buy it and get exposed to Riichi, which means more potential players…
Just as things are starting to take off again, I'm struck with bad news: it seems my domain provider haven't paid their bills and my domains were released. Good thing is DENIC, i. e. the authority for .de domains, has a system in place that helps against others snatching those domains. But it also means I have to take care of it soon: finding a new provider etc. And pay the bill for a new domain subscription. (Damn…)
Why do I use .de domains? I'm from Germany and that's the cheapest domain I can get that doesn't look dodgy.
Anyway, I'm hoping I can get back to writing soon. Crystal Down Chapter 1-45 will release on 2020-05-18 to the public.
I wasn't planning on having another tournament till 2020 Q3. But since most of us are at home let's have another tournament! This is the third Doman Mahjong Tournament on Light, feel free to make an alt to join. As before, this tournament is a player event: it is not affiliated with FFXIV…
This blog seems like it's turning into “Things I Hate”… Whatever… So I was posting chapters of my Web Novel Crystal Down to Scribble Hub when I ran into a wall that is the WYSIWYG Editor they have. I was not exactly over the moon to learn they don't have a…
This year, I was actually observing the multiple announcements of new or coming games. Each time when it was something I might be interested in, I had the same thoughts:
Saturday, September 7th, 2019, it's about noon. An enthusiastic “Tsumo!” can be heard in the rooms of Games Unplugged at Connichi in Kassel. If you have been at Connichi last weekend probably knows about it: we have been invited to Connichi 2019 in Kassel to show the world the joys of…
Over time, you notice people don't like updating their software. Why is that? Software updates fix bugs and security flaws or they can add new exciting features. Why wouldn't you want them?! There are multiple reasons, and it's usually the developer's fault.
Eurovision week is over. Thanks to Tel Aviv, ESC 2019 was a nice show. Congratulations to the Netherlands! But I'm not here to write about who won and who lost or who should have won. This is about the Eurovision App and how it gets advertised in the show and why it's a scam. During…
You might have noticed I like playing Riichi Mahjong. Good clients are so rare. This is by no means an exhaustive list. It's just what I have tried before and/or regularly use. If you have other clients feel free to leave a comment. Desktop Clients Tenhou (天鳳) Desktop Tenhou is still the go-to client…
The last few days, YouTube just went completely haywire. While I get the increase of automated copyright claims and strikes, possibly in preparation of article 13 in the EU. Some channels just got taken down for apparently not abiding by YouTube Terms of Service. While I initially thought it was just a quirk…
I loved the first Mario Party for the Nintendo 64. But over the years, I have come to hate Mario Party series: every instalment just kept getting worse. The last one I actually tried was one for the Wii. That was like the nail in the coffin for me with the series. Now,…
Well, I suddenly got the urge to play Anno 1602: Creation of a New World (1600 A.D. in North America and Australia) again. While I could just play any current instalments of the series, I do miss something quite vital in those: the micromanagement of crop-growing areas is not even possible in those. As a…
My mobile internet contract was about to end, so it was time to extend it and while doing that getting a new tablet. Up until now I've only had Android tablets: Nexus 7 and Samsung Galaxy Tab A. But as I'm not afraid to try out new stuff I thought: “Try…
Wir schreiben 2020. Das Internet, so wie wir es in den 2010er kannten, ist tot: seit ein paar Jahren werden bei allen Suchmaschinen Webseiten, die in irgendeiner Form regierungskritisch sein könnten, ausgelistet — die Webseiten sind mit z.B. Google nicht mehr aufzufinden.
Werbung im Internet hat sein Vor- und Nachteile. Bei einer idealen Seitennutzer-Seitenbetreiber-Beziehung, spricht für Werbung, dass die, die die Werbung einblenden, damit Geld verdienen können.
Nach einem Bericht von TechCrunch stand Microsoft kurz vor der Übernahme von Slack, die dann doch von Bill Gates und Vorstandschef Satya Nadella gekippt wurde.
“Golden Sun: Dark Dawn” is a RPG made by Camelot which was released 2010 for Nintendo DS and sequel to “Golden Sun: The Lost Age”. 30 years after the events of “Golden Sun: The Lost Age”, the descendants of the Warriors of Vale set out on a journey for a simple…
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