All Posts Tagged with Hobbies

A Look At Riichi Mahjong in Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics

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When “Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics” was announced, I was hyped to hear Riichi Mahjong would be included among the games. “I hope this is going to be good,” is what came to my mind. Why? Lots of people will buy it and get exposed to Riichi, which means more potential players…

A Look At Riichi Mahjong in Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics

Rinshan Kaihou at Connichi 2019

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Saturday, September 7th, 2019, it's about noon. An enthusiastic “Tsumo!” can be heard in the rooms of Games Unplugged at Connichi in Kassel. If you have been at Connichi last weekend probably knows about it: we have been invited to Connichi 2019 in Kassel to show the world the joys of…

Rinshan Kaihou at Connichi 2019

Riichi Mahjong Clients 2019

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You might have noticed I like playing Riichi Mahjong. Good clients are so rare. This is by no means an exhaustive list. It's just what I have tried before and/or regularly use. If you have other clients feel free to leave a comment. Desktop Clients Tenhou (天鳳) Desktop Tenhou is still the go-to client…

Riichi Mahjong Clients 2019

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